How to leave lockdown FITTER and HEALTHIER

Fitness and Health in Lockdown

It’s a surreal time.

We have been asked to stay at home and for many of us, our regular three spaces (home, work and gym or club) have become one.

Understandably for many, this change in routine has led to a detrimental change in health and fitness-related behaviour activities. If you are reading this then maybe you do not want this to be the case!

Lockdown can be seen as an inconvenience, it has affected many people's routines that they enjoyed.

However, you can also try to see this time as a huge opportunity. For most people we have been given more time, fewer distractions and a deep drive to stay busy for our mental health.

Here are 3 key steps to coming out of lockdown fitter and healthier than you went in…

Accept this is the new reality for a while

This is a big one!

Many people we have spoken to are treating this time as a temporary hold up (like a holiday), but the truth is we don’t know how long it will take until we get back to normal. The first step to coming out of this healthier and fitter is to accept this new reality and adapt to it.

Businesses have already changed the way they operate within the new restrictions, and we have to do the same. Recognise your new restrictions are and create strategies to overcome them. We have plenty of information to come over the next few weeks with strategies to help improve productivity, motivation, nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset during lockdown

Decide how you want to come out of lockdown

Once you have accepted the new reality, it is time to decide what you want to get out of it. There are no wrong answers here, but you have to decide whether you genuinely want to come out of this fitter and healthier or if you want to chill out for a few weeks/months. Deciding what outcome you want, makes a huge difference to your motivation during this time, but also the plan that has to go into making that outcome a reality.

Make a plan/schedule/routine

Now that you have accepted the new reality and decided how you want to come out of it. It is time to put the plan together. The most important things to consider if your goal is to come out healthier and fitter are.

  • Get outside for your hour every day

  • Eat a diet with varied quality protein and plenty of vegetables

  • Stay hydrated

  • Exercise regularly

  • Maintain a routine (including sleep, work and personal time)

Implementing these habits can be done is a few different ways, here are two popular options. 

A) Book them in

Use a calendar app to allot time for both work and your time

B) Bolt habits to cornerstone habits

We all have things we tend to do regularly every day. How you spend your morning is often a set of cornerstone habits.

So one easy way to add a new habit is to bolt it to an existing one.

If you normally get up, shower, eat and brush your teeth, why not add your new exercise habit in before you have your shower.

COVID-19 is a challenging time for many, and it’s something we can’t control. However, we CAN control how we react to it. Accept the new reality, decide how you want to come out of this and take control of what you can. That is the way you will come out of lockdown fitter and healthier than you went in.

Danny Harris