How Important is Pre/Post Workout Nutrition and Does It Get You Results??

We are bombarded almost daily with information about the latest fitness supplement which guarantees us insane results. We are also told that the food we eat around our training is extremely important.

A huge supplement industry has been built to advise us that we should all be eating/drinking a multitude of different scientifically proven powders and capsules before and after our workouts to ensure we add muscle, get lean or boost our recovery.

Alongside this, expert nutrition coaches regularly state that when and what you eat around your training will also either help or hinder your results.

So, for the regular exerciser, is all of this expense actually worth it??Or are there other more important things we need to have squared away before we buy the latest miracle supplement or smash in some boiled chicken and rice immediately after training?

In this Coaches Conversation we cover…

Does pre and post workout nutrition matter for regular people?

What macro-nutrients should make up pre/post workout meals?

Optimal meal timing.

How does the timing of your training session affect what you should eat and when?

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