7 Ways to Still Make Progress While Training at Home

Are you finding it more and more difficult to make progress with your training at home without access to a gym??

As we get deeper into lock down and deeper into workout out at home, we have had a lot of people asking us and how they can progress workouts at home (with no or minimal equipment).

That's why this weeks coaches conversation covers 7 surefire techniques to help you make progress when working out at home.

In this conversation our coaches cover: Why is it important to progress exercise? What does it mean to “progress” with exercise?

How can you progress your exercise at home with no or minimal equipment?

7 methods/techniques you can use to ensure exercise progression which include:

Increasing tempo.
Increasing volume (reps/sets).
Reducing rest times.
Progressing the movement (wall push up - push up negative -push up).
Spending more time in ranges of motion that are more challenging.
Increasing the frequency of your workout sessions.

Making tangible progress takes time which is why we recommend progressing at your own rate! It’s better to move forward slowly than it is to take 5 steps forward, only to have to take 10 steps back.

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If you want to know the best ways to ‘Burn Fat During Lockdown’ why not CLICK HERE to get our expert advice.